patch notes:


Oh, Daemons of Sound and Vision, alura will move your electrons through these wires to make you sing into our hearts! Grant unto thee free plugins and (totally not) pirated software.

Permission to cry, Captain!

Permission granted! Let's all weep in unison! Our detuned cries will sound lush in stereo! A supersaw of sorrow!

What the hell is this?

I am an amateur artist (Squidward with an internet connection) with an interest in music making. some people call that a musician.

i've taken an interest in modular synthesis. an old-is-new paradigm, a return to basics, a reassurance that the good old days weren't so good after all.

but modules are expensive and take up space, and i don't have any money or room to spare. so i use vcv rack to experience the joy of plugging cables in and out of i/o ports virtually.

ive always wanted to write, and to have that writing be meaningful in some way. notetaking for me was always a pain, always someone standing over your shoulder telling you to make sure you know this or that. No discovery! No passion! It only ever served to enforce the myth that work must be agony and that you know you're doing it right if you feel miserable doing it.

but writing is powerful. words have changed my live on more than one occasion. why must the act of writing be a joyless exercise? why do we need to be so serious all the time? who do we want to be taken seriously by? Professionalism is conformity! Write what is in your soul!

everytime i try to sit down an write analytically or critically about music or projects i'm working on, i bore myself to death and give up. i'm not the kind of person who finds themselves interesting. but at the same time, i'm putting all this pressure on myself to perform like my life depends on it. isn't that fucked up? What a way to kill fun and creativity. Why not just go for it instead? Fuck the details! Embrace the clicks and pops of life! Come with me, let's cry together!

Ok, but really what the hell is this?

I thought I'd try to blog about anything i find interesting in a loose and stream-of-conscious style. Some of it might be helpful and informative, but expect mostly infrequent, pretenious outbursts. My original idea was to write about weird things i made in vcv rack and post how i made it along with an audio clip, but i don't want to limit the kinds of posts i make (or the reasons i make them). It's childish and amateur and kind of smells like maple syrup?